
Friday, December 31, 2010

Wishing You Courage in the New Year

by Mike Monteiro Prints available at 20x200 here

There is a an unabashed realism to this sentiment and yet, I wouldn't advise living one's life this way. 
I try not to burn bridges and rather hold relationships as carefully balanced with mutual respect. 

Of course, that doesn't mean I haven't wished to burn a bridge or two. 
At the dawn of a new year, it's a time to reflect on the past and move forward with the new. 

May you each move ahead with bright ideas and the courage to act on your dreams and desires.

c.1300, from O.Fr. corage (12c., Mod.Fr. courage) "heart, innermost feelings; temper," from V.L. *coraticum (cf. It. coraggio, Sp. coraje), from L. cor "heart," which remains a common metaphor for inner strength. In M.E., used broadly for "what is in one's mind or thoughts," hence "bravery," but also "wrath, pride, confidence, lustiness," or any sort of inclination. Replaced O.E. ellen, which also meant "zeal, strength."

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas with a Gingerbread house on top

Miniature Gingerbread house 2010

May your Christmas celebrations be filled with warmth and cheer. 
Sending warm thoughts to each of you! 

Christy's houses are larger than mine. We used the same instructions with different results.

Last year, my friend, Christy and I made these wonderfully simple little houses see here.
This morning, we made them again. A new tradition is born.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lapsed Time

Beili Liu
Assistant Professor, College of Fine Arts, University of Texas, Austin

Bound #2
Thread, needle, red oak (reclaimed shipping crates), 6'x10'x18"

 2D Work I Wish Gold, Chinese Spirit Money (Yellow Paper), incense, set of 9, 4.5"x8"x1" each
Beili Liu works with a wide variety of materials from needles and thread to digitally processed images.  She allows the materials evolve over time. She begins a project and manipulates them over time, sometimes over a period of months before the final work reveals itself. Often her experiments with one project lead to another new project. 

See more here.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Monothon Part II

Monothon 2010
Here's some pic's from the Monothon Show at Zygote Press.
the show is up through Dec. 31, 2010.
All sales benefit Zygote Press, a non-profit printmaking co-operative in Cleveland, Ohio.

 Carpets I, 2010, monoprint, Christine Mauersberger
  Carpets II, 2010, monoprint, Christine Mauersberger

Picture of the studio where I've been working this past month. 
Liz Maugans got me re-hooked on printmaking. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Monothon Month

Zygote Press
Cleveland, Ohio
It's been 20 years since I've used a printing press.
Liz Maugans at Zygote Press invited me to participate in a month-long event making monoprints for the annual Monothon* event.
Here's some of what I did 

I found two small cotton tea towels and affixed fabric circles to the surface of them
and mixed up inks to my own color liking.
and ran them through the press and printed them on Rives BFK 100% cotton rag paper.
this photo: Mary Ann Tipple

This picture is a print. 
Not the actual towels.
Same two towels using a olive green ink

Same 2 towels using a mix of a sick pink.  I cut them out after they were printed, and have done a little stitching, these are paper, not fabric.

I'll take pictures of the final two prints I created for the Holiday Show opening on Dec. 4th and post them.

*Monothon is an annual event at Zygote Press that encourages regional artists to come to Zygote and try their hand at making prints. This year, we welcome artists: Mark Yasenchak,Chris Mauersberger, Dante Rodriguez, Kristin Bly, MarkKeffer, Stephen Yusko, Gadi Zamir, Darius Steward, and Hilary Aurand. A selection of their prints will be exhibited at our OFF THEWALL Holiday show, and sales will benefit Zygote Press.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The HoneyBee/Zerolandfill and Pepsi Refresh Project

Cleveland, Ohio, usa

A few of my close friends started a project called Zerolandfill in Cleveland, Ohio.
I've posted about them here.
ZeroLandfill is a community project that collects expired samples from interior designers and distributes these creative materials to under-resourced arts educators. Inspired by honeybee behavior, ZeroLandfill follows a principle found in nature…a lot of waste is created but nothing is wasted.
And they give everything away for FREE
They need money in order to continue to do good works. 
Pepsi is giving away $1,300,000 each month to fund great ideas through a project called Pepsi Refresh Project.
I think that Zerolandfill is a great idea and we can help them win $25,000.00.
Vote for them on the Pepsi refresh project HERE
You may vote once a day  from today, Dec. 1, 2010 through Dec. 31, 2010.
I hope you agree with what my friends are doing and feel compelled to vote.