Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Portal to Self-Inquiry: Resolutions

Chris Jordon
Seattle, WA, USA

Gyre, 2009
8x11 feet, in three vertical panels

Depicts 2.4 million pieces of plastic, equal to the estimated number of pounds of plastic pollution that enter the world's oceans every hour. All of the plastic in this image was collected from the Pacific Ocean.


Viewed up close
all photos: Chris Jordon

Chris Jordon's photography helps me to focus on the changes I wish to make in my own life while being mindful of my place on planet earth. 
Chris says, "I have heard it said that in risking self-awareness, at least we know that we are awake."
See read more and see more on his site here.


  1. that's a truly shocking statistic. i found the soils in India, even way out in the sticks, to be full of plastic shreds...blended into the earth in the way that good leaf mulch should be. except it wasn't.
    the casual way in which packaging is hurled from passing cars
    and dropped from bus windows
    or simply allowed to blow from a hand into the street is appalling
    and points to fundamental changes that are needed in our treatment of Mother Earth
    if we are to survive as a species

  2. Wow. I cannot imagine seeing the shreds of plastic in the soil. It is truly shocking.
    You can't be neutral on a moving train.
    Thank you for your input India.


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