Ronald Sulak
Cleveland, Ohio
(1940 - 1993)
My parent's first born, Ronald, would have been 72 years old today. Born in a leap year.
He was a lovely man and lived a beautiful life filled with dreams of becoming a policeman, owning a house, having a girlfriend and flying a plane.
Among many interests, he adored dancing (with girls at weddings!), playing the harmonica, and having a good time.
He had down's syndrome and always liked to draw. He had a singular ability to distill an image down to its most elemental parts.
Here are a few sweet images.
It's been a life-time without him already.
Portrait drawing Ronnie did of me. I faithfully traced the drawing as a monoprint which is why you see dark smudges.
I will scan the original drawing when I find it in my stuff.
circa 1989.
I will scan the original drawing when I find it in my stuff.
circa 1989.
Ronnie like to copy his name onto paper. Here's an example written on an index card. Notice that he is missing the letter "D" in his 1st name and "L" in the last.

Ronald Sulak circa 1941.